2019-1-HU01-KA202-060931 "Sharing good practices in the field of vocational education across Europe"
The application number 2019-1-HU01-KA202-060931 entitled "Sharing good practices in the field of vocational education across Europe" was submitted in February 2019 by the Vocational Training Center of Debrecen. The first selected partner was SZÁMALK-Salesian Post-Secondary Technical School. The other members of the partnership were selected from those who applied for our advertisement posted in the EPALE system. During the selection, an important aspect was the appropriate professional background, as well as the dedicated work performed in the field of vocational training. Out of nearly 100 applicants, one Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Maltese and Greek organization was finally selected, thus forming a project management team consisting of 7 partners.
Our aim was to share good practices with the institutions and organizations of the partner countries, to exchange experiences, to develop a training institution management strategy, to organize training, in the sectors of VET. Another important element is getting to know the vocational training systems of each partner countries, and highlight the common points, differences and modification ideas. Throughout the project, we wanted to increase the expertise of the professionals through familiarization with good practices in the partner countries in their own environment and to get familiar with their cultures as well. The main activity of the project was to share good practices. All partners shared and presented a good practice of their choice, linked to vocational training. Transnational project meetings were built on sharing these experiences, as each partner could get to know the good practice when visiting all countries. Thanks to the cooperation, we trust that the acquired professional knowledge could be utilized by all participating countries through the acquisition of foreign experience. At the very end of the project, we planned to compile a comprehensive Professional Handbook in English, in which we present the results of the project, all the good practices we have learned, as well as the countries' vocational training systems, according to the same criteria. Throughout the project, the institutions and organizations of the European countries worked together to support vocational training. One of our main objectives was to create efficiency, the creation of a successful and productive cooperation with the focus of lifelong learning, support for balance, and reducing dropout rates. Generally speaking, in any type of education, trainers, teachers, trainers were playing a key role in the training of the right professionals, so it is indispensable to train them well. Another objective of the project was to share international experiences and good practices for the preparation of these specialists. It is important to increase the efficiency of training and to bring higher-level, more qualified professionals to the output side. Our goal was to provide high-quality professional training in Europe, both in each participating countries and internationally as well. To this end, we wanted to explore the characteristics and good practices of good and successful experts in partner countries' environments. Through good practices and experiences we wanted to know, maintain and promote the motivation of vocational training. We believe that this project have been very relevant as it is intended to upskill and promote good governance in schools and at European level. They could visit different vocational schools and compare and contrast with the schools in their own countries.
The host countries uploaded the good practices that had been shared during the transnational project meetings to our common Moodle system, which was created for the project, where the good practices could be adapted by other employees of the partner organizations, and then they could pass them on in their own environment, on which they prepared feedback.
During the Kick-off meeting (preparational meeting) which was held in February 2020, we set the dates of the Transnational Project Meetings, and we also discussed the main objectives of the project, laid down the basis and assigned the tasks. From each partner organisation 2 project management members participated in this meeting.
Due to the worldwide spread of the COVID-19, we suspended the organization and implementation of TPMs for an indefinite period from March 2020. Keeping in touch online, we decided to start transferring good practices online in order to ensure the success of the project due to the seemingly unrelenting pandemic. The line was started by partners where more than one good practice was defined when the application was submitted. In November 2020, the SZÁMALK-Salesian "Cross-sectoral projects" and in February 2021, the Turkish "Thematic High Schools" projects were transferred in the online space.
In the summer of 2021, as the epidemic measures seemed to be easing, we started to play with the idea that maybe safe travels could finally start at autumn. After several online consultations, the partnership set the exact date of the first meeting, which took place in Portugal, and thus the travel arrangements for the partners could further continue. During the TPMs, each partner received support from the Hungarian National Agency for the travel of 3 participants. We were able to start the organization of the trip for the transnational meetings itemized in the submitted application material, using the budget approved upon the positive evaluation received after the evaluation of the application. Above all, the most important aspects were efficiency and practicality.
(Download by clicking on the title)
We warmly recommend the reading of our Professional Handbook to all those working in vocational training and public education, as well as those interested in good practices and unique solutions. The collected good practices provide an excellent opportunity to develop yourself or your training methodology and you can also gain insight to some of the EU countries’ vocational training system. With this collection we are also strongly support lifelong learning and the fight against dropouts.
1. Kick-off meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Vocational Training Center of Debrecen
Location: Debrecen, Hungary
Period: 03/02/2020 – 06/02/2020
2. 1st Online Professional Conference
Name of the hosting organisation: SZÁMALK-Salesian Post-Secondary Technical School (Budapest, Hungary)
Location: online
Period: 23/11/2020
3. 2nd Online Professional Conference
Name of the hosting organisation: Ortaköy 80.Yıl Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Ankara, Turkey)
Location: online
Period: 15/02/2021
4. 1st Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Previform - Laboratório, Formação, Higiene E Segurança Do Trabalho Lda.
Location: Ponte de Lima, Portugal
Period: 11/10/2021 – 15/10/2021
5. 2nd Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Future Focus Ltd.
Location: Floriana/St Julians, Malta
Period: 22/11/2021 – 26/11/2021
6. 3rd Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo
Location: Bergamo, Italy
Period: 21/03/2022 – 25/03/2022
7. 4th Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Ortaköy 80. Yıl Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Period: 04/04/2022 – 08/04/2022
8. 5th Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Athens Lifelong Learning Institute
Location: Athens, Greece
Period: 02/05/2022 – 06/05/2022
9. 6th/1 Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: SZÁMALK-Szalézi Technical and Vocational Grammar School
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Period: 12/06/2022 – 14/06/2022
10. 6th/2 Transnational Project Meeting
Name of the hosting organisation: Vocational Training Center of Debrecen
Location: Debrecen, Hungary
Period: 14/06/2022 – 17/06/2022
Kick-off meeting

1st Online Professional Conference

2nd Online Professional Conference

1st Transnational Project Meeting

2nd Transnational Project Meeting

3rd Transnational Project Meeting

4th Transnational Project Meeting

5th Transnational Project Meeting
6th/1 Transnational Project Meeting

6th/2 Transnational Project Meeting